Wednesday 31 July 2024

FREE MINI BOOKS TO PRINT (4) - Animals and Plants books

 Free Mini Books to Print – Animals & Plants books - Mini Books Obsession

Here's my 4th page of Mini Books - 5 more that you can print and make up (see my tutorial here for how to assemble them).

There were designed on my computer using Public Domain pictures. If you'd like to design your own books, I've made a tutorial with a template here.

You can print direct from the picture, or click on the link below the picture to download the PDF file.

If you’d like to just print off one or a couple of the books, or would like to re-size them (see how here), I’ve added some screenshots of pairs of books and individual books  below:

Hope you enjoy these mini books. They are for your personal use, not for re-sale :)

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Make your own text for mini book pages

This one can be time-consuming (and let's face it, who actually reads that tiny print on the pages of mini-books?) but if you do want to make your mini-books readable, you need clear print.

Sometimes you can find actual images of pages online (my go-to site is Project Gutenberg); I found pages for Humpty Dumpty, Raggedy Ann, Pride and Prejudice and Kate Greenaway that I could paste into my template. If it's a longer book, you'd need to just choose some of the pages, or your mini book would be too thick to manage.

However, sometimes you might want to make your own pages with text typed in. I've done this by typing (or copying/pasting) text into text boxes in a Word document, re-sizing the text to fit my 'pages' and using a suitable font to match the style of the book. I find 3 or 4 text boxes across a Word doc are a good size; still big enough to manage, but not too big to use for screenshots.

You can also paste pictures into the text boxes (or paste onto your document, make them 'in front of text' and move them where you want them). You can add illustrations, a cover, frontispiece text/image this way, and also add in 'endpaper' patterns if you like.

I find the hardest part is choosing and formatting the text. You can just copy the text from first part of the book, selecting the right amount to fit into each text box 'page'; I did this with the first few chapters of 'Wizard of Oz. 

Or you might want to do your own precis of the story. I wanted more 'picture' pages for Grimm's Fairy Tales than the original book has, so I used the first bit of some of the stories, then did a short precis of the rest.  I also found a lovely old print image from Rawpixel for the 'endpaper' page.

I like to use about 12 pages (including 'endpaper' pages and title page), as that makes the book thick enough to look like a book, but not too thick to get all the pages lined up and to fit inside the cover. If you want more pages, you'll need to make your book cover spine a bit wider.

When you're happy with your pages,  can take screenshots of each line of pages, paste them into a new Word doc, re-size them (and make 'in front of text') then paste them into the normal template, to fit about 8 mini pages across your doc page, ready to print (as in the tutorial here).

If you'd like a template of empty text boxes on a Word doc, here is one (with 4 text boxes across the page, narrow margins) you can download:

Of course, you can also create your own stories, poems etc. and add your own illustrations or photos to make a really individual min book!  



FREE MINI BOOKS TO PRINT (3) - Old-Syle books

Free Mini Books to Print – Various Old-Syle books  -  Mini Books Obsession.

Here's my third page of Mini Books that I've designed; you can print them and make up the books (see my tutorial here for how to assemble them).

You can print direct from the picture, or click on the link below the picture to download the PDF file:

If you’d like to just print off one or more of the books, or would like to re-size them (see how here), I’ve added some screenshots of individual books/sets below.

(Right click on the picture you want, select "save image as" if you want to save it to your computer, or "copy image" if you're going to paste it straight into a Word document to re-size/print; for the original size, print them to fit across a vertical A4 page):

Here's the 1cm grid to fit across an A4 page, to work out the sizing:

I hope you enjoy theses mini books. They have been designed by me for personal use, and are not for re-sale.

Sunday 28 July 2024

FREE MINI BOOKS TO PRINT (2) - Cats and Dogs

Free Mini Books to Print – Cats and Dogs books -  Mini Books Obsession.

Here's another page of Mini Books I've designed that you can print and make up (see my tutorial here for how to assemble them).


You can print direct from the picture, or click on the link below the picture to download the PDF file (better quality).

If you’d like to just print off one or more of the books, or would like to re-size them (see how here), I’ve added some screenshots of individual books/sets below.

(Right click on the picture you want, select "save image as" if you want to save it to your computer, or "copy image" if you're going to paste it straight into a Word document to re-size/print; for the original size, print them to fit across a vertical A4 page):

I hope you enjoy theses mini books. They have been designed by me for personal use, and are not for re-sale.

Saturday 27 July 2024


The mini books I've designed are mostly a little over 2cm high, about 1:12 scales (full-size they would be about 24cm high). 

If you'd like to change the scale, you can screenshot the cover and pages and paste them into a Word document ('in front of text' so you can move them around) and then re-size (by dragging a corner) to suit yourself.

Tip - When doing screenshots, I save them as .PNG or .GIF rather than .JPEG for better image quality.

As an A4 page is 21 cm across, you can work out what the printed size will be (I also enlarge my Word doc on my computer screen when I'm designing books - to around 180% when I'm placing my pages & images so I can see them more accurately; then to about 116% to get an approximate idea of the printed size of the book pages/cover).

You can make a table to fit across your page if you like, with 21 cells of 1cm, to help visualise the size; or you can paste this image across your page from edge to edge:

Here are screenshots I've made of my first page of mini books; you can use these if you like to re-size or if you just want some of the books (open the image, select 'copy', then paste it onto a Word doc as above:

      1.1 Kate Greenaway - The Language of Flowers:

      1.2 Butterflies Worth Knowing

     1.3 Humpty Dumpty

     1.4 Raggedy Ann

Design Your Own Mini Books on Your Computer.

I made a template on a Word document to paste pictures/text from old out-of-copyright books into. It includes a template for about 8-10 pages (can be less or more) and a template for a cover and endpapers.

It's designed to be printed onto A4 paper (the document has very narrow margins, so they may need adjusting when printing).

You can find free-to-use Public Domain images of all kinds on the Internet, and you can also find images of book pages and/or the text that are free to copy and use, e.g. in Project Gutenberg.

Here's a link to the template document if you'd like to try it:

Here is a link to illustrated instructions on how to use the template:

Friday 26 July 2024


Free Mini Books to Print - Mini Books Obsession.

Here's a page of Mini Books you can print and make up (see my tutorial here for how to make them).

MINI BOOKS to Print (1) - Various Titles

The books were designed by me, using images and text from old, out-of-copyright books, with extra embellishments. They are for your personal use, and are not for re-sale.


Click on the link below the picture of the page to download the PDF page from Dropbox.

Print on an A4 page, using best quality colour printing, with narrow margins.

Make a miniature Terry Pratchett Discworld library inside an Altoid tin 

- by Tiny Cloud Dragon on Tumblr. 

This article includes a tutorial and printable mini book covers with some mini pages for the different titles as well as an image to glue inside the tin.


This tutorial uses printed mini book covers, and includes a free printable page of covers. The pages are cut out of an old full-sized book and glued inside the covers.  


 Thicketworks -  "Miniature Books – A Love Affair"
Instructions and free printable old-style generic pages, covers and endpapers.

This article has a beautiful tutorial with some lovely ideas for embellishing the covers. 

Tuesday 23 July 2024


This is a beautifully presented tutorial plus a generous PDF download of picture books with multiple pages and quality images. Click on the title to go to her site. 

I've made up a few of them - my printer hasn't reproduced the colours well and I used my own template to format the covers and pages, rather than making all the pieces separately as she suggests; I've only used some of the pages for each book, too.

I don't know what size the originals would print out to, as I pasted the images I selected onto a Word doc to re-size and to limit the number of pages.
This is how mine came out - very cute, and fine for my purposes.


How to Assemble Mini Books

I'll be adding links to ready-to-print mini books and also a template and instructions for designing your own, but first, here's an easy way to assemble them once they're printed out:

You can use the pictures above or download a PDF tutorial here: How to Assemble Mini Books

 This blog was started to share ideas and free resources I've found and made for making mini books - mostly only 2-3cm high - to use for miniature scenes, dollhouses etc.



How to Assemble Mini Books I'll be adding links to ready-to-print mini books and also a template and instructions for designing your own...